What is a transaction?

2 min readDec 27, 2020

🛤Transaction — a request for a record on the blockchain and a logically completed data exchange operation, which is either confirmed and entered into the block, or canceled.
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💰Transactions on DecimalChain are processed by specialized network participants-validators — for a reward in the form of new DEL coins.
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đź—ŁEach transaction on the Decimal network begins with the formation of a special message in the prescribed form, after which the message is sent to the master node, where the request will be checked for honesty.
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Next, an honest transaction gets the status of unconfirmed. All transactions verified but not confirmed by validators are pending processing.
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🎱The place where unconfirmed transactions are stored is called a memory pool.
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The validator takes transactions from the mempool, collects them into a block, and suggests that the other validators agree on the resulting block. If the block is consistent, all transactions that are included in it receive the status of confirmed and become part of the Decimal blockchain forever.
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👨🏻‍💻For a simple DecimalChain user, the entire transaction path is hidden behind a simple and understandable form, in which you only need to specify the recipient’s address and the amount of the transaction. After six seconds, the transaction will be confirmed.




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