Weekly news review

2 min readDec 10, 2021


⛓️The integration of blockchain technologies into our usual software and programs is rapidly accelerating. Thus, WhatsApp will allow sending cryptocurrency payments in the messenger to a “limited circle” of users in the United States. Of course, within the framework of pilot testing but it is obvious that the Meta corporation (even judging by the name) is categorically aimed at meta-universes, which means NFT and the blockchain as a whole.

💳And the manufacturer of Ledger hardware wallets announced the launch of the Crypto Life payment card on the Visa network, which will provide instant conversion of digital assets into fiat at the time of payment and the possibility of lending secured by cryptocurrencies. Initially, the card will support BTC, ETH, USDT, EURT, USDC, XRP, BXX, BCH and LTC. Cardholders will be able to pay for purchases at more than 50 million Visa outlets. Of course, they will not get such opportunities, as long as we are talking about residents of the UK, France and Germany. It is expected that the card will be available for residents of the United States starting from the second quarter of 2022.

🇷🇺For residents of Russia, any news from the regulator is good. The sooner we get clarity, the faster we will adapt to it and be able to develop and compete with other countries in conquering the space of blockchain technologies. But so far, the Ministry of Finance expresses hope that the issue of legislative regulation of cryptocurrencies will be resolved next year.

💵Let me remind you, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the volume of transactions of Russians involving cryptocurrencies annually amounts to about $5 billion, and cryptocurrency wallets, according to some reports, have more than 10 million users in Russia.

📲NFT does not lose any relevance or interest from large companies. PepsiCo has announced an NFT collection. According to the press release, the NFTs are randomly generated: each represents a variation of the microphone image inspired by Pepsi’s “iconic flavors.” They are also divided by the degree of rarity — the most unique will be released in a single copy.

🥤In July, Pepsi’s competitor Coca-Cola also released their NFT collection in honor of the International Friendship Day. The Coca-Cola collection includes branded items for the Decentraland virtual world. So the presence of large companies in the metaverse is inevitable. And if there is the metaverses, there are also NFTs. Which blockchain is it easiest one to create an NFT?

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