Unfolding Roadmap: Integration to Decentralised Wallet Keplr

2 min readFeb 2, 2023


What is Keplr?
Keplr is a decentralised wallet for storing tokens. It is also for stacking, sending and receiving tokens, direct communication between blockchains via IBC, and delegation to different blockchains and validators. In other words, it is the very first and leading non-custodial wallet in the Cosmos ecosystem, allowing networks to interact via IBC, while acting as a kind of pit stop for tokens.

We have completed a test integration with Keplr wallet and applied it to them to add our blockchain and DEL token.

Why is this important?
In the latest White Paper, one section of the DSC chapter is dedicated to integration with Ledger. MetaMask and it are among the main providers of crypto wallets, they can expose the Decimal blockchain to more people in all corners of the world. The Keplr wallet is directly related to our roadmap and project development — it exists in the Cosmos ecosystem and supports IBC. Therefore, integration into the Keplr wallet is the first step to integrating with IBC infrastructure.

While adding to Keplr is underway, testing in Ledger, we remind you that Decimal integration to MetaMask is completed. Our team is now automating the adding process, which will require just one button press to add it. Of course, we will write separate instructions on interacting with the MetaMask wallet and keep you updated on developments.




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