2 min readMay 3, 2021


😎We are realists despite we are romantics! And businessmen who want to make profit both for themselves and for everyone who has chosen us and our products. And we know that the success and prosperity of our futuristic ideas can only be achieved by following the law and existing rules, so we follow them.

📲We try hard to translate ideas into software that is simple and understandable to the end user, but we can’t rely on someone else’s experience, because often it just doesn’t exist.

❌To eliminate mistakes in our industry, you need to make them first, and we are ready to go for it and not stop.

🤫We do not fawn and do not show the product only “face”, we speak loudly about the risks. We chose the path of openness and honesty as the main principle of blockchain technology, so we do not work out objections, but directly answer the question posed or do not answer if we do not know the answer to it.

🙊We do not announce the exact release dates of updates or products, because we do not know them, because the tasks we face can rarely be completed on time. We do not make excuses for mistakes, because the motives for our decisions are always voiced at weekly planning meetings, available to anyone, and most of the communication is entrusted to the community, which is happy to meet newcomers and help them get used to it.

🤝We believe that no technology will change the world if it is not used, so our priority is people.

🙌🏻Our community is completely different people, united by the idea of a better future, possible thanks to blockchain technologies that will change the foundations of society, such as issues of trust and finance.

🤍We especially respect and love our old partners, who have passed a long and thorny path with us. These people naturally become our friends and main guests at events and parties, where we always recognize them to the whole community. Often these people become part of the team.




Explore, Build, Earn on the Decimal. Decimal helps communities to issue and manage blockchain assets.