🧾”I’ll write you a check” on the DecimalChain blockchain
🎞Do you remember how in the old American movies, when there were no online transfers and even more so cryptocurrencies, the characters wrote checks, tore off the page of the book and handed it to the addressee?
👤Of course, in this type of financial transactions, there was a lot of space for fraud, and yet for some cases it is very convenient, given that technology does not stand still and the security issue is solved thanks to the blockchain.
🧾In DecimalChain, you can issue a check in a few clicks for any number of DEL or other coins at your disposal, come up with a password that the recipient will enter when redeeming your check and the coins will instantly appear on his account balance.
🔄The issue of the check and its repayment, like any transaction, is recorded in the blockchain. You can limit the time of repayment of the check or issue several checks of the same denomination at once. This function is very convenient to use for all kinds of practical jokes, for example, to pack the address of the receipt in a QR code and make a password for the participants. The first person to guess the riddle will cash the check.
🎁With the help of checks, you can give customers discounts, bonuses and gifts, giving out a unique password for each individual check as a promo code. You can attach any additional information to the receipt and it will be stored in the blockchain and visible to anyone, which allows you to use this function as a record of any text messages, for example: the first “proved the Poincare Hypothesis” or “ right to a 5% discount until the end of 2021”
🙌🏻Try to issue a check in the Decimal console and you will see how simple, reliable and applicable it is in private life and business.