Back-end and front-end
🙌🏻Hi, community!
📱Front- and back-end is the external concept and the internal implementation of the program.
Both terms appeared in the programming engineering when developers began to separate the responsibilities between the outer layer users see and the internal one (the code itself).
🌕Front-end is what user sees; the software part of service that constitutes consumer’s interface. In other words, a beautiful, convenient and usable «envelope” of a program.
🌑Back-end is the software and hardware part of the service, the one that is «under the hood”.
Back-end implements API used by front-end for carrying out its functions. Therefore front-end developers don’t have to know the peculiarities of service implementation, and, vice versa, back-end developers don’t have to be acquainted with the front-end implementation.
⚠️Most errors faced when using DecimalChain appear when dealing with front-end part, and therefore can be solved quickly. For instance, if you see the incorrect account balance indicator on the mobile app, it’s likely to be the front-end level error.
⚙️In this case, copy the address of your wallet, go to the console and check your account balance in the browser. There it will be indicated correctly.
☀️Wish you a productive week with no front- and back-end errors!