DPoS(Delegated Proof-of-Stake)
🔗DPoS (Delegated Proof-of-Stake) — is the method of choosing a participant that would get a right to add a new block to the chain.
Delegated proof-of-stake is an alternative for PoW (e.g. Bitcoin) and PoS (e.g. Peercoin).
đź“ŠDelegated Proof of Stake makes coin distribution and and influence within the network more equal, and ensures higher level of decentralization.
⚙️Among the main advantages of DPoS are the democratic form of administration, scalability and a relatively low energy costs for network maintenance. DPoS algorithm makes it possible to reach consensus regarding new blocks faster than it is with PoW and PoS since DPoS consensus implies simple block creation mechanisms executed on relatively cheap equipment with high level of integrity.
🛠️DecimalChain is built on Tendermint — the first layer of the consensus that enables all validators sign blocks and share rewards with delegators, unlike the traditional DPoS where the block is signed by one validator only who shares the reward only with his delegators.