DEL listing

Sep 1, 2021

Hey, community 🙌🏻

📰 We have some great news for you.

DEL coin has recently appeared on CoinGecko rating agency but listing is still going on, and now the coin is listed at
XT.COM exchange.

👉 XT.COM has already announced DEL listing and the pairs available for trading:


📝 Some facts about XT.COM

The exchange was launched in October 2018, and over these year’s contracts it has got to the TOP-100 according to CoinGeco rating, and to the TOP-40 at
CoinMarketCap. The exchange already has over 5 million users, and its daily trading volume of about $100 million.

🙌🏻We look forward to being listed at other exchanges, and to the introduction of BitTeam.

‼️By the way, the one who guesses the name of the next exchange first, will get 1000 DAR!




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