DecimalChain token liquidity
While developing the Decimal network, we aimed to create an absolutely liquid currency so that any user or entrepreneur could touch the crypto economy without special technical skills and fears that this “experiment” would negatively affect their budget.
To achieve this goal, Decimal implements an unambiguous price formation mechanism for each coin. Any token of the Decimal ecosystem can be instantly exchanged for DEL or any other network token directly in the console or mobile wallet.
Go to the “Conversion” section, select the coin you want to give and the coin you want to receive. After a few seconds, your balance will be updated and you will receive the necessary coins at your disposal, and if you want or need, you can exchange them again for DEL or any other network token at the same moment.
Try converting a few DEL coins to any other token and back to make sure you have absolute liquidity, and join the Decimal community!